Oral Storytelling Bootcamp

This workshop, which we developed in a joint effort with the Madison Storytellers, is meant for people who want to develop a personal story from conception to oral presentation, while employing deeper level applications for written versions of these same tales. 

If you’ve ever wanted to tell a story about something that happened to you but are worried it will sound boring, or if you want to tell a story but don’t think that anything interesting has happened to you, or if you find yourself afraid of speaking in front of a group — this class will hone your skills using technique called story mining to quickly identify events in your life that can be developed into engaging stories to tell to your friends and family, or on stage. We’ll focus on a framework for developing these personal stories into satisfying narratives that will have your audience telling your story, over again, to their family and friends.

Participation in the workshop will involve telling your story in front of an audience and attending a local storytelling event to listen with an ear towards storytelling techniques and structure, so that you’re ready to present your own story in it’s most compelling form. By the end of the class you will have both a written essay and an oral story ready for the stage of an open mic or story slam.

This workshop is meant for anyone at any level who’s interested in developing or improving his or her oral and written storytelling. During the course of the workshop session, we’ll examine published work with an eye to technique; learn to read as writers to better understand and utilize elements of characterization, point of view, plot and structure; and discuss why some strategies work and some don’t, and how to avoid clichés and pitfalls.

Between workshops, students will read 10-15 pages of written work and listen to oral stories.

WHEN. TBA. Email us to be notified of the schedule.

WHO. Writers with any level of storytelling or workshop experience.

COST. $260. Includes reading material.